Leaving Italy was the hardest part of the trip. Even though we enjoyed it, there’s so much more of the world to see, therefore we may never go back.
We had a unique experience cycling on Sardinia, and seeing the results of 1500 years of Venice history, in the form of gondolas plying the canals, wonderful architecture, and the Italian cuisine.
However, Venice is an aging tourist mecca. There were few children, as apparently there is very little low cost housing in the city. With exception of the tourist industry, building restoration appeared to be the only booming industry. Even given their best efforts, the masonry buildings were crumbling and sinking into the soft water soaked ground. Most church steeples were no longer visibly vertical.
On the other hand, when we looked carefully, we saw some signs of life beyond the tourist façade. There were the locals shopping in their open-air market, laundry hanging from clotheslines, and the Italian people enjoying a slower lifestyle that North Americans could learn from.
Thanks to wonderful weather, and all of Marlene’s planning, the trip was a success, and another experience of a lifetime. Speaking of planning, Marlene was home just a few days when she started researching
We hope you enjoyed our Italy 2011 adventure, and thanks for coming along.