Saturday, September 24, 2011

Getting Older and Softer

We packed up and left our campsite on McIntosh Lake. The revised plan was to start heading home by retracing our route with some deviations. Unfortunately, we couldn’t avoid the 2300 metre portage. However, we had experience on our side, and we had eaten most of the food, so the food pack was considerably lighter. In the end, we managed the portage better this time around.

The weather continued to hold, which meant no rain and light winds for paddling. The temperatures were increasing slightly each day with stronger sunshine.

We camped overnight on Tom Thompson Lake, as we had done earlier in the week. We would have preferred a site with an easterly exposure so we would get some early morning sun. It would have been so nice to wake up to sun shining into the campsite, helping to warm us after a cool night. However, we had to settle for one facing southwest, and a nice sunset as the consolation prize.

It’s interesting, you’re more exposed to the elements while camping. The things that don’t matter at home like rain, wind, temperature or darkness take on significance.  

At home, when things aren’t perfect, I have convenient solutions. When it’s rainy or windy, I go inside. Too hot, turn on the air conditioner. Too dark, turn on the lights. But, when out on the canoe route, it’s a different story.

The fact is I’m getting older, and this trip has pointed out that I’m also getting softer.

Click here for the next story in this series: