We stayed put at the resort for a second day of rest and relaxation. We did some sightseeing, but spent time as well developing strategies to cope without our luggage. The resort was helpful, but to some extent, we were in survival mode. By the end of our stay, we got the welcome words via email, that our luggage was in Venice.
During the night and on the morning we were scheduled to move on, there were torrential rains. More by good luck than good management, we avoided all but a few light showers. Trying not the cycle too quickly, we followed the rain southeastward and visited a port in a fishing village by the same name as the island.
As we were leaving Sant' Antico island, we rode the salt flats that connected it to the main island of Sardinia. We were fortunate to have a route that took us right through their salt factory. Here, they opened small control gates at high tide to let sea water in on the flats. Then closed the gates to hold the water from draining back into the sea. The strong sun then evaporated the water leaving the salt behind, where it could be collected then processed. Did you ever wonder where your table salt came from? Apparently there are a few countries around the Mediterranean and other places in the world that produce salt the same way, but this was a first for us.
From the salt flats, we headed inland on Sardinia to the town of Sant' Anna Arresi, where with lots of luck, our luggage would catch up to us.
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